Sunday, April 26, 2009

Leaving, but not for good

In about 10 hours, I leave Middletown VA for a good long time. What a trip it's been. I think i could probably write about every experience one by one for years and years. I will never forget the people here, I will never forget the experience. I will forget the drama that I myself inflated and stressed over. I really don't think of myself as a Type A anymore. Larry Reed would be proud.

Clay and his boss from the inn have came by with two big trailers, we have entertainment and food. I have the booze for at least 6 people, and I won't have a drop tonight, simply because there's 300 miles to drive and it's all gonna be in the dark.

I feel really completed today, not sad i'm leaving, but completed that I finished the way I did. I will miss everyone in my own special idiom (meaning some i'll miss more and some i'll miss much less) but I really will miss having the dynamic of the 2008-2009 Wayside crew.

I'm hella hungry, so it's time i headed out and got me some of that wonderful food I smell.

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